2022 – Forsyth Breakaway

Forsyth, MT, July 20-21

Breakaway roping: 1. Kassie Kautzman, 2.8 seconds, $1,145; 2. (tie) Kelsey Ferguson and Meghan McGinley, 2.9, $849 each; 4. Sierra Lee, 3.0, $553; 5. Kacie Jo Wiersma, 3.6, $355; 6. Stephanie Newman, 4.3, $197.

Total payoff: $3,948. Rodeo secretary: Rowena Nelson. Officials: Wade Berry and Johnnie Barlogio Jr. Timers: Rowena Nelson and Leasa Stratton. Announcer: Jeff Marn. Music director: Vance Ruff. Photographer: Kristen Schurr.